Where We Are In History

Let’s consider for a moment where we are in history.

Christ came and made a new way for us almost 2,000 years ago. The War has been won, but the battle continues raging today. People pass away every day, permanently ending their ability to decide their eternal fate. We find ourselves somewhere between the early Christians figuring out how they should live, and the End Times, where widespread persecution of Christians will be a prelude to the chaos that culminates in Christ returning. We have no idea if we’re closer to the former or the latter, but we’re to live as though our time is short.

We live in interesting times. Our modern-day lives bear little resemblance on the surface to what we read about in Bible times, yet there’s really nothing new in the way of our shortcomings and temptations. Today’s technology is beyond what Bible characters could have dreamed. The speed of life has only increased since the most recently written words in the Bible. We can drive hundreds of miles in a matter of hours, and we can fly thousands of miles so quickly that we can see the sun set twice in the same day.

The amount of information we absorb and forget in a day is dizzying.

Despite all this, the focus of a Christ-follower has not changed at all. After His resurrection and immediately before he disappeared and ascended to Heaven, the last thing Christ said to His followers was “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Our environment has changed, but our focus has not.

Here’s the really exciting part, and the part that makes me excited for you, and for us. Since Jesus didn’t put restrictions on the methods by which we are to follow that command, our imagination is the limit to the number of ways by which we do it! Can you imagine? Today’s elementary school kids Skype with astronauts in space! GoFundMe sites pop up for any and every reason! We have drones that deliver pizza! That same spirit of innovation and creativity can be used for “making disciples of all nations.”

YOU have been blessed with spiritual gifts! Jesus knew that His disciples were going to be anxious about continuing without Him. To help soothe them, He told them to expect help from the Holy Spirit, who He described as “The Helper” (John 14:26). 1 Corinthians chapter 12 spells out how it’s meant to go. The Holy Spirit brings gifts to each Christian, but they’re not the same combination of gifts for each person.

On top of that, each person has their own personal interests in different causes; it’s something that somehow hits a little closer to home than other causes for you. It might be a heart for the homeless, for orphans, for single moms, for shut-ins, for those in prison, or any number of countless other groups of people.

And then you have talents or skills that you’ve developed with time. Maybe you have a natural knack for languages, or it’s easy for you to do anything musical. Writing, art, academics, working on engines, writing computer code, fixing things, and on and on.

Maybe you’ve never thought about it before, but at the crossroads of these three things (spiritual gifts, interests, and talents) lies your ideal ministry. This is where you’ll be the most excited, the most energized, and the most satisfied to operate. That’s not to say it won’t be exhausting, but it’s where you’ll find the most compelling reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Here’s something to consider. For the rest of your life, the speed of change at this point, right now, is the slowest it’s ever going to be. That means that life is going to change, and that the rate of change will only increase from here on out. New technologies…new customs…new methods of communicating and interacting. What does that translate to? It means that in conjunction with the countless types of ministry mentioned just a moment ago, there is an exponential number of ministry opportunities in this world, and YOU are uniquely and ideally suited to own some of them!

There are things you can do that I can’t, or there are things you’re willing to do that I’m not, and vice versa. That means that somewhere, there’s a ministry role to fill that is waiting expectantly for you to grab hold of it! There’s a place for you to be plugged in…to maximize all of your gifts, talents, and interests! I’m talking about a unique spot in this world that you can slide into and it will be your perfect storm for you to find fulfillment in glorifying Christ, for you to be excited about what you do, to do more than you thought you could, and to reach your God-given potential!

As this world changes, and as the pace of change quickens, recognize that you might be the only person in the world to have the idea you’re having about new ways to reach people for God. Seize that idea! Make it happen as if other souls depend on it, because that just might be the case. The whole reason I’m writing this blog is to give you the push you need to move forward with that idea.

Billy Graham glorified God in amazing ways, and he was the right person at the right time, but the world has changed. His ministry was incredible, but it probably wouldn’t work as well if someone tried it today. Since the old things may not work as well as they used to, it’s time to take new ideas, encourage them, develop them, and dedicate them to God. Believe me, He’ll do the rest, as long as you follow His leading.

It’s time to step out in faith. Dare to do great things!