The Right Friends are Important

In college I had different types of friends. Throw a bunch of high-school graduates together for four years and you’re going to find all kinds of people. I had friends I ate meals with, friends I exercised with, friends I studied or worked on projects with. Some friends I spent my free time with. There were friends I only saw infrequently, others that were “situational friends” for the duration of a class and then I never saw them again. Some people might be great friends, but would be horrible roommates. Some people were friends of friends.

With all the different kinds of friends out there, what kind of friend do you link up with if you want to do something audacious?

During my Junior year in college my friend Jeremy and I decided we wanted to somehow get from Western New York to Salt Lake City to attend part of the 2002 Winter Olympics. Out of all the people I knew at school, Jeremy was the only person I’d be comfortable attempting something like that with. There were other people at school that were perfectly capable of taking on such an adventure, but I hadn’t built the same level of trust with anyone else.

In my very first college class, Jeremy was a classmate. What started as a shared experience suffering through an 8 am history class neither of us cared about ended up as a mutually beneficial friendship. He taught me to shoot, and I taught him how to rappel. He showed me how to skin a deer, and I showed him how to cross-country ski. His instinct was to push forward or be more aggressive in pretty much whatever task he was involved. In the same situation, my instinct was to hold back and consider the effects of my actions. Our personalities meshed in such a way that regardless of our instincts, he’d give me the push I needed when it was time to get something done, and I’d give him pause during times when restraint was best.

Mom, if you’re reading, skip the next paragraph.

We did (or almost did) all kinds of bonehead stuff in school, but all of it ultimately built the trust we had in each other. One winter night when we were bored, we decided to do something dumb under the guise of “testing winter gear” for our upcoming trip. After dark, I put on some of my warmest headgear and ski goggles, and got in the back of his pickup truck. As he drove down a long, straight stretch of road, I may or may not have stood up in the back of his truck as he substantially exceeded the posted speed limit so I could see how the gear would stand up to the wind. (Don’t try this.) (The gear worked great.)

It’s a dumb story about my youthful indiscretions (one where my instinct of holding back did not win), but it helps show that level of trust. When one of us half-jokingly brought up the idea of traveling across the country to a place neither of us had been so that we could spend a week without heat while attending Olympic events, neither of us laughed. It was one of those occasions where we just kind of sat there silently for a moment and then looked each other in the eye as if to say “I’m up for it.”

You’ve probably had big, bold, brash ideas before. Big ideas are not to be shied away from, but you’ll probably need some help to tackle them. For the ideas that are merely “big,” you probably have a handful of people that you can think of that you’d be willing to partner with in order to try to make them happen. What I want you to focus on is your idea that is so immense, so enormous, so egregiously large or crazy that you can only think of one or two people that you’d be willing to even mention it to. This is the idea that you’re too scared to tell anyone about, and you have to pick and choose who you let in on it. The people with which you’re willing to share your idea are special people. You’ve developed a level of trust with them that even though you might not feel comfortable bringing it up, you’re not afraid that they’re going to make you feel like you’re a fool for having dared to dream so big.

This is a blog about encouraging Christians to live up to their full potential in Christ. For that, I make no apologies. I also recognize, however, that a lot of what I write on this site has parallels with the world of innovation. To both types of readers, I say: Live up to the full potential of your God-given gifts! If there’s an idea that’s been tugging at you and it won’t go away, giving it a try might be your best shot at getting it to leave you alone (unless it involves criminal activity, that is). Maybe Walt Disney can offer some additional inspiration. He once said “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Don’t choke those big ideas. Stoke them. Know that if you want to get them off the ground, you’re going to need some help. If you know who it is that you’re going to need to talk to about it, set up an opportunity to bounce it off them. Sometimes there’s only one person that can help you make it happen, and until they’re on board with you, your idea is going nowhere.

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