I hope you’ve either enjoyed or gotten something out of the things that show up on DareGreatlyNow. Now that I’ve posted over 30 entries on the website, it makes a little more sense to explain a bit about it and how the site is laid out.
On and off over the years I’ve had flashes of an idea that is currently embodied in this website. At first I thought about doing a book, then it morphed into some type of devotional, and then it showed up here. The short version is that I’ve seen and done an unusual combination of things over my life so far, or gained unique insights as a result of doing the things I’ve done. Many of the stories I relate in the pages of this website are stories that ought to have become faint memories, but for some reason they haven’t yet faded away. In writing so far, those memories have come to the forefront and I’ve been able to tie a godly or spiritual application to them.
Sometimes in life you’ll encounter unusual circumstances that don’t make much sense until you’re looking back at them in hindsight. Before you get to that retrospective moment it can just seem like a disjointed collection of random experiences, but then something happens to bring it all together.
This is how God works. Not only does He weave your life’s experiences into a plan (or even a masterpiece) for His purposes, He also weaves together the experiences of your life with those of other people’s lives.
Have you ever felt like you were meant for more than just the life you’re living? When you felt that way, you probably were meant for more! You might even be feeling that way right now. Even though the stories on this site jump around all over the place, the central theme to which they all point is the idea that God didn’t intend for you to live a life of mediocrity.
If you’re willing, you can accept the invitation, the challenge, that God has extended to you. You can be a mighty warrior for Jesus Christ.
That concept can be fulfilled through many different avenues. If you believe the Bible, you believe that this world will get darker before it gets lighter. Yet the Bible says that despite all of that, the Church is still God’s plan to reach the lost. We don’t seek to conquer or subjugate anyone, or bludgeon them into converting to Christianity. We’ve simply been commanded to share the news of Christ with everyone. What they do with it is up to them.
The stories posted here are meant to encourage…to inspire…to show that big and daring things are not beyond your reach. Although it is not my aim, it may sometimes sound like I’m petitioning to be the next spokesman for some kind of energy drink. 🙂 I’ve written so far about experiences in the Air Force, having a house knocked out from under me, lifeguarding experiences, going kayaking, flying down a steep hill on a skateboard as a kid, rappelling out of trees or down cliffs, adventures in parenting, and figuring out how to go see the Winter Olympics.
Some of the things I expect to address in the future include more experiences in pursuit of survival instructor status, medical emergencies, skydiving, an adventure sports trip to Australia, kayaking over waterfalls, a few near-death experiences, some kneeboarding, and of course more parenting stories.
These stories are all meant to say that you can do things you think you can’t. Hopefully they’re done in an entertaining way. I hope to encourage you to embrace the idea that God has empowered you to go as far as you’d like with regard to accomplishing things for His kingdom, and that the limits you impose on yourself or allow to be imposed on you are not your actual limits. The only limits that exist are the ones you allow to take hold.
If you haven’t already, I’d love for you to subscribe, but in truth, I’d love even more for you to pass individual entries on to people that you think would benefit from hearing them. The Church today is in a strange place, where it needs to both keep reaching people through traditional means while at the same time evolving to communicate with people in new ways to convey the same truth. If you know someone who’s thinking about moving out in support of one of these directions, by all means please point them to this blog.
Now that the site has a decent number of entries, I’ll explain the categories and tags. When you look at an individual post, down at the bottom of every entry it has categories and tags listed. For every post, I try to list it under two categories: one that tells the type of activity it is, and one that tells the spiritual lesson it’s geared toward. If you look at the site’s homepage, all the available categories are listed. If you wanted to see all entries I’ve written that have something to do with stories about my kids, for example, click on “Parenthood.” Clicking on “God Can Use You More Than You Think He Can” will bring up all the entries I’ve listed under that category.
Tags do more or less the same thing, but through a different way and by naming different topics. The more entries I post over time, the more useful tags and categories will become if you’re seeking a specific post.
So you tell me…what do you like about the site so far? What do you dislike? Are the stories too long? I post on Monday and Thursday mornings; is that too much? Not often enough? How can I help get people off the sidelines and into the game? How can I reach more people so they can be encouraged to live a life of higher impact? How can I get Christians to believe that they have an unparalleled power living inside them, waiting for them to unlock its potential?
Your comments are welcome! If you don’t want to comment publicly where everyone can see it, email me at tim@daregreatlynow.com.