You’d Have Fallen for This April Fools’ Prank, too

Today is the first of April, which means it’s April Fools’ Day.

For the international readers, this is a minor holiday that we celebrate in America by playing jokes on one another and generally creating some well-intentioned mischief. It’s often characterized by false statements that are made for the sake of evoking a reaction, which is generally acceptable as long as the trickster doesn’t wait long to come clean about the truth. It’s the one day a year where it’s acceptable to be deceptive.

This wasn’t really an April Fools’ thing, but I used to know a guy in the Air Force that employed deception to his advantage.

James had a job where he worked in a large building, and it was common for him to be performing duties throughout the building. If people wanted to find him, they’d start at his office, but it wasn’t a surprise to see that he wasn’t at his desk.

In the Air Force, with a few exceptions, any time you go outside, you need to wear your “cover” (your hat). If people stopped at James’ desk and saw his cover and keys on his desk, they assumed he was somewhere in the building and would normally just try again later. What they didn’t know was that James bought an extra cover and kept a set of good-for-nothing keys in his office. If he wanted to disappear for awhile, he’d leave the spare hat and keys on his desk for people to find, then walk out the back door while putting on his real cover, hop in his car, and drive off to do who-knows-what.

Not really an April Fools’ prank, I know. Think back to the biggest prank or good-natured deception that’s ever been pulled on you. When you found out it was all a joke, what was your reaction?

Almost 2,000 years ago, almost this exact time of year, Jesus Christ pulled off the most epic April Fools’ prank of all time. While He dropped some hints about what He was going to do, He didn’t let anybody in on it ahead of time. Christ died, dropped in on Satan and his minions to announce His victory over them, then re-animated the body that had just been crucified for a crime it didn’t commit.

Imagine if the first disciples to reach the tomb stuck their heads inside, only to hear the angel sitting inside say “April Fools! He is not here; He is alive!”

In flawlessly executing this surprise, Christ not only dropped everyone’s jaws, but in the process provided the only way for anyone to escape eternal torment from that point forward. He won’t force you to take it, but wishes you would. This is a free gift, offered to you. The only thing you need to do is accept it.

This weekend, please remember how this unexpected turn of events forever changed history. In light of that, how can we do anything short of share the wonderful news of this divine escape route with people that are bound for destruction?

Have a wonderful Easter, count your blessings, and thank God that you’ve been invited, rather than forced, to be a part of His story!