Here in America most peoples’ normal routines are disrupted this week, and few people are likely to really pay attention to this week’s blog entry. After U.S. readers, Canadians are the top patrons of my blog. Though they probably don’t shut down to the same degree we do in the states, there’s still some of that because they celebrate some of the same big holidays we do. It turns out that’s not the case in the country rounding out the blog’s top three. Today I’d like to focus on my readers in China.
I suspect that most of you in China (or in territories China now controls) that read this blog are reading it for the sake of censoring it from your nation’s citizens. You’re not terribly interested in hearing what I want to say, this website just showed up on one of your lists to continue monitoring. If that’s the case, you’re probably some of the only people in your country that are even able to read what I write. Since I probably can’t reach the country’s average citizen, I’ll focus on you because you, too, need to hear this information.
Although many in our two nations maintain an aggressive posture toward one another, this is a shortsighted view. Regardless of the choices we make, someday all of us will pass from this life. I would like to speak to you briefly about the state of your soul after you die.
Despite what you see on American television and social media, many of us in this country are religious. We believe in God and that He created every human across the entire globe with a natural desire to know and pursue Him. All of us here on the planet come from common ancestors, so people from every country share in that same kinship. Our earliest ancestors, who enjoyed the privilege of walking and speaking with God when He came to visit with them in the cool of the day, made a terrible mistake. Unfortunately our ancestors could not follow even the simple rules God presented. As a result, imperfection entered the world, and all of humanity, everywhere on every continent, sailing on any ocean, and orbiting above the planet, now lives with this imperfection and separation from God.
After centuries of limping along with temporary ways to reconcile humans to God, God provided a more permanent solution. He sent a man to walk the earth and live His entire life without violating any of God’s rules, and this man achieved this goal, dying without any shortcomings. Through this man’s perfect life, we enjoy restored access to God’s presence. You know who this man is, but I’m avoiding use of His name here in the hopes that more people in your country will have access to this post without it being flagged. This door of reconciliation to God is open to you, and it is available regardless of political affiliation. God is bigger than the American Government, and God is bigger than the Chinese Communist Party. He wants people to accept His gift to humanity, and this gift is available to people from every country and all walks, even if those people think they are enemies in this life. Please take some time to consider what happens after you take your last breath. We can have peace with one another by joining in our pursuit of God through His son.