Have you ever heard stories of someone’s faith inspiring others?
There’s a story in the Bible about the faith of a guy who probably wasn’t a believer, but was moved to action by someone else’s strong faith.

Acts chapter 27, verses 13-44 tell of when Paul was on his way to be tried in Rome. Along the way, the ship he was on (with 276 people aboard) got caught in a very strong, dangerous windstorm that blew the ship hopelessly off course. This late-season storm made even veteran sailors scared. These guys tossed cables and ropes around the underside of the boat to try to help hold it together. They threw extra cargo and gear overboard to make the ship lighter. Time dragged on, and after days without seeing the sun or any stars, they gave up all hope of living through the ordeal.
That’s when Paul, a passenger on this boat, bucks everyone up. He stands up in the midst of everyone and says “hey, we’re going to be okay. Last night an angel of the Lord visited me and told me what to expect; we’re going to lose the ship, but every last one of us is going to make it through this alive, as long as we all stay on the ship.”
This lifted everyone’s spirits, but there wasn’t any concrete action yet. Sailors taking depth soundings around midnight one night learned they were entering shallower and shallower water, and they dropped all kinds of anchors to slow their speed toward the shore. They were just hoping to survive until daylight. A few of the less scrupulous sailors aboard the ship prepared to use the ship’s skiff (dinghy) to pretend to assist with the anchors. In reality, they were going to ditch everyone else aboard and try to make for land in the little boat.
Here’s the remarkable part. Paul saw what they were up to, and told Julius, the Roman centurion in charge of the ship, “hey, if those guys leave, I can’t guarantee the lives of everyone else left aboard.” Julius, a professional career military man, with no hard evidence Paul was right, did something very uncharacteristic for a man of his position. He had his men intentionally cut the skiff’s ropes, so they purposely lost that asset to the storm!
What kind of craziness is that?! The smaller boat would be very valuable to have if a shipwreck really was forthcoming. The ship did run aground, and everybody got to land safely, but Julius had no way of knowing ahead of time Paul would be right. This guy was not a believer; he was merely inspired by Paul’s faith.
People want to hope; they’re looking for a reason and an outlet for it. Do you have the kind of faith that steels the confidence of others around you? It’s important not to make things up; Paul DID get a visit from an angel. Even if you don’t get similar visits, live your Christian faith in accordance with the Bible’s teachings in such a way that your belief in God’s promises motivates others to take a closer look at the faith you’ve got.