Red Teaming Humanity: Keep the Christians on the Couch (Part 3 of 4)

Part 1 | Part 2

Last time we covered how Satan tries to keep unbelievers from believing. This time we’ll take a look at how he tries to keep Christians on the couch.

From Satan’s perspective the real danger of losing a soul to Christianity is not that his kingdom shrinks, it’s that he has absolutely no idea how Christ will use this new asset to build His kingdom. For the people that become Christians, Satan wants to stifle their growth as much as possible so their relationship with God suffers and they don’t become effective at bringing others to a saving faith. He wants to prevent walkers from maturing to the point that they can enable other unsaved souls to become walkers.

If Satan wants to limit the impact of his losses, he’ll do what he can to prevent Christians from using their spiritual gifts or submitting themselves to Christ’s plan. He ultimately wants Christians to die with untapped potential. What kind of Christian do you think Satan likes better, a passionate Billy Graham, or an apathetic average Joe that got saved as a kid, but whose only present-day indication of faith is going to church on Christmas Eve? Clearly, he’d rather have a world full of couch-potato Christians; they don’t even have an impact that he needs to counter!

Well, let’s get to it. How do you keep Christians on the couch instead of in the trenches?

It turns out there are a variety of ways. God made people with different personalities and vulnerabilities. Everyone is susceptible to something. There’s a group of well-used tactics in Satan’s bag of tricks; if one doesn’t work, he’ll try another, then another, until he finds something that shows promise. (You may recognize a particular weakness in your own life that prevents you from being used by God to do greater things than you’ve done up to this point.)

None of the tactics are overly complicated, but there are many different ways to employ them. Think of it in terms of Satan having a dossier on you. He knows what works on you and what doesn’t. For some it’s ego. For others it’s jealousy or fear. Some people have major problems with anger, while others are crippled by depression or doubts that God could forgive the things they’ve done. You don’t think Satan’s figured you out and takes advantage of your personality quirks and triggers? Although one person may not have a problem with lust or pornography, it can absolutely shatter the ministry effectiveness of another. The same holds true with drug addiction, insecurity, arrogance, self-pity, apathy, or any number of other ways to take you off mission…Satan has a tailored attack plan for you that will give him the best chance of minimizing your effectiveness as a Christian in ministering to others.

In the last post I named three general steps God takes to bring a person to faith, and three methods Satan takes to combat those steps. For the Christian, I’m going to reverse it by giving you Satan’s tactics first. When it comes to marginalizing a Christian’s effectiveness, he uses the three Ds.

The many tools Satan uses to keep Christians from doing God’s work can largely be categorized into three groups: Divide them to make unity impossible, Distract them from what’s really important, and Delay them from actually doing anything in God’s plan.

Let’s talk “Divide” first. Ever see a schism in a church? It’s ugly. What happens to the people in that church? They may have been focused on going out into the world to preach Christ at one point, but if the right issue comes to the forefront, a surprising number of parishioners give in to things that Christians should not fall prey to. Back biting, gossip, pettiness, bitterness and grudges are some of the big ones. Is that church an effective light to the world at that point? While it’s true that church splits sometimes happen for good reason, the fallout can hobble many Christ followers’ effectiveness and cause long-lasting divisions. Anything that divides Christians compromises their ability to serve God as a unit.

This is just an example of a single church in a single community. We’re living in the most divided period our country has been at any point in recent memory. Try to get churches across the nation to agree on and endorse a political party. Some pick the party that helps the poor. Others pick the party that believes life begins at conception. Are these not both Christian values? Why do we have to choose to embrace one and ignore the other? Division is built in. How can one side be pro-life, yet be pro-death penalty? On the other hand, how will you help the poor by de-funding the police?

Talking politics tends to get people going. If that paragraph made your blood pressure start to rise, it’s a perfect illustration of how effective division can be. Do you get as heated or willing to give a response when someone puts down Christian values? In the grand scheme of things, Christians around the world should probably have the same views and be the most willing to reach out to other cultures because we all have Jesus as our model. It’s not that Jesus is so different to various countries and cultures around the world, it’s that we view Him and His teachings through many different prisms. We have the same model, but we’re quite divided about our opinions of what’s important and what’s not.

This concept overlaps with “Distract,” too. At the most basic level, a distraction is something that siphons time, focus, and effort from a primary objective. If you’re a Christian, your two main objectives in this life are to draw closer to Him and share Him with others. Anything that takes away from your ability to do that is a distraction.

We don’t always have large events that distract us, but we instead fall victim to general busy-ness. Our schedules are so full that we don’t have much time to proactively pursue God’s calling for our lives. Being busy doesn’t make us bad people, but we need to be clear-headed and understand that busy-ness doesn’t directly translate into good use of time, nor is it an excuse to duck the plans God has for you. In order to get a handle on our lives we have to be intentional; we have to manage our calendars rather than allow our calendars to manage us. It falls to us individually to make God’s calling for our lives a priority.

Finally, Satan uses “Delay” as a class of tactics. Think back to when you were a kid. What were your dreams for when you got older? What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you that today? If not, why not; did something unforeseen come up? Maybe a little more recently for some, what big vacation plans did you and your significant other envision early in your relationship? If you haven’t done it yet, and the years have started to get away from you, it may now be too late to do it. Rarely does a single, large event derail the intentions, but more commonly a variety of things get in the way to ensure “someday” never arrives.

This is the same principle Satan hopes for with “delay.” If the adversary can postpone your big plans for doing God’s will even by a short amount of time, a new day can bring a whole new set of circumstances. Your enthusiasm to take on new responsibility in an organization died a slow death after your accident. You’re still willing to go on that missions trip, but the opportunity died when Coronavirus emerged. You’re not promised tomorrow. You’re not even promised the rest of today. All you have is right now, and if you don’t make use of it, your future will be imposed on you, rather than be influenced by you. You can serve God in a way that only you can, but it takes conscious, devoted, and persistent effort.

Boy, I run out of room quickly when I take on complex topics. Time for a quick review. Many of the enemy’s tools can be boiled down into the three Ds: Divide, Distract, and Delay. It’s important for individual Christians to learn what they’re vulnerable to, and to learn to recognize when it’s happening to them. The goal is to have no more unrealized potential left when you pass from this life into eternity. To borrow from author Erwin McManus’ book, how many unused arrows will still be in your quiver when you die?

We are under constant attack, it’s true, but take heart! In the final installment of this series, I’ll touch on the three items Christ followers can use to fight against the enemy’s three Ds. If it feels like you’re alone in this fight, it’s by design. I can assure you that you are not alone, but you may have to do some reaching out.

Subscribe or check back next Thursday for the final installment in the series “Red Teaming Humanity!”

Part 1 | Part 2

Red Teaming Humanity: Keep the Unbelieving From Believing (Part 2 of 4)

Part 1 | Part 3

Let’s problem-solve for a bit. If you’re Satan, lashing out against God by trying to rob Him of the joy of humans receiving salvation, how do you go about doing it?

Well, it might help to take a look at the process God uses to bring the lost to faith, then use whatever means are necessary to interrupt or counter any of the steps in that process.

Let’s establish a few assumptions. First, ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, we all live with something called “original sin.” That means we’re born with a sinful nature, and our default setting when we die is to spend eternity separated from God. (The good news is we’re given the option to be rescued from that fate through acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice, but in reality, few choose it.) In that sense, when it comes to the fate of any given soul, Satan doesn’t need to play to win, he just needs to play to not lose.

Also, it’s important to understand that for Satan, the death of any human being is beneficial. A death for the unsaved is like taking that soul to the bank. It’s over. That soul no longer has the opportunity to embrace Christ. God’s possible joy over that soul’s salvation will forever go unrealized. On the flip side, the enemy rejoices in the death of Christians because they can no longer rob from his fiefdom after that. Either way, he’s happy to see death occur. He may not be able to inflict death on people directly, but he can attempt to persuade some to inflict it on others or themselves. Although I’m unsure of what his capabilities might be, I imagine he does what he can to instigate famines, disease outbreaks, and other types of natural disasters, all in the hopes of raising the death toll.

He’s got a split focus; his goal has to be keeping unsaved people unsaved while minimizing the evangelical effectiveness of those he loses to Christ. Hamstringing Christians reduces the glory brought to God, and if that means some people get saved later in life than they otherwise would have, it collectively reduces the amount of lifetime that Christians spend as effective doers of God’s will. We’ll cover more on how Satan might approach Christians next time, but for now let’s take a look at how he might aim to keep unbelievers from believing.

At a simplistic level, we’ll define God’s process of bringing the unsaved to faith in Him by way of the three W’s: He takes a wanderer who is searching but does not have a saving relationship with Him, He wakens them by revealing Himself to them, at which point they begin their walk with God. Again, very simplified here. There are countless ways through which these steps can occur, and I doubt if any two stories of salvation are exactly alike, but these are the basic steps in the process.

What do you do if you want to disrupt that three-step process? To counter any or all of the three Ws, you might use the three F’s: You fulfill the longings of the wanderer through other means, you fight the wakening by inciting chaos in the person’s life, and you try to flatten their walk if it turns out they’re serious about following Christ.

Let’s start with the “fulfill” step. God created humans with a longing, a hunger, for something more in this life. I’ve heard it said that people are created with a God-shaped hole in their heart. Satan’s goal is to fill that hole with anything other than God. One tactic is straightforward and easy: use other religions to fill the void. Christ said “I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me.” If that’s true, no other religions are valid means of entering Heaven after death. What simpler way to throw people off a Heavenly course than by providing impotent facsimiles where people still get to believe in a god? Even if a religion’s founder completely believes that he or she witnessed a supernatural being delivering a special message that doesn’t jive with what God says, there’s a reason for that, found in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Satan and his minions can assume a beautiful or supernatural form and employ that showmanship to start entire new religions meant to distract from the real thing.

There are numerous other ways to fill that hole in the heart. Christ created us to know that there’s something bigger than us out there, so we have a need to fill a sense of belonging. What’s the counter? Come up with ways to fill that need without addressing the deeper yearning. The focus could be good things, like family, pride in your nation or occupation, or volunteer work at shelters. Maybe it’s something neutral, like being a fanatical sports fan, or, depending on the cause, being a dedicated activist for a cause you believe in. They could be things that turn bad too, like alcoholism, destructive relationships, or doing things to feed your greed. The enemy wants to see unbelievers get caught up in something that fulfills the longing in their heart at least enough to stop searching for something lasting to fill the void. (This is why Communist nations ban or tightly control religion. Those governments want the people to seek fulfillment through the State and its success, not turn to any other entity for hope and morality.)

Try this additional method on for size. Some people have an exceptional thirst for the supernatural. Well, if you’re Satan or one of his minions and can assume numerous forms and do things a human being can’t, it’s probably a piece of cake to inspire ghost and alien sightings. People want to believe in the supernatural, and Satan long ago invented ways that allow them to do it without embracing Christ.

Let’s move on to the “fighting” step. Sometimes God will work on a person’s heart for years before they accept Him as Savior; for others the timeline is much shorter. As Satan recognizes that a person is about to come to faith in Christ, many times he tries to ensure their life becomes chaotic. He plants seeds in their minds. The person’s head is flooded with thoughts like “What will your family say?” “You’ll lose your position or status if you join them!” “You mean you want to be one of those nuts that think the earth was created in 7 days and an old man went out and gathered two of every kind of animal on the planet and put them in an ark to survive a flood that covered the whole earth?” “Are you crazy?! Think about the shame you’ll bring to the people that care about you!” “You’ll lose everything you’ve worked for!” “YOU?! You think God could ever love or forgive you after all the things YOU’VE done?!”

These planted thoughts are meant to inspire fear, make you rationalize away the things you’ve been experiencing, and get you to turn your back on the idea of embracing Christ as your Savior. It’s like pulling a transplanted sapling out of the dirt before the sapling has a chance to take root. (If you want a closer look at the rational side of the faith, see this blog’s “This would make Spock raise an eyebrow and say ‘Curious’” category. There’s only one entry there right now, but more are on the way.)

Finally, Satan will try to “flatten” a new believer’s faith. Some people may very well lose friends or a good relationship with their family. In some sections of the world, they’ll forfeit their life if their faith becomes known.

I’ve been on youth retreats where people become Christians. They’re caught up in the emotion of it all, everybody’s singing songs, and there’s a great speaker. Telling a counselor or pastor of their decision brings happiness all around, and everyone is supportive of their decision to accept Christ. Then they go back to their normal life. Are they really supposed to turn their backs on the behaviors that have been a regular part of their life for so long? Are they supposed to read the whole Bible? That thing’s huge! “Do I have to stop hanging out with my friends?” They rationalize their decision away. “Well, I was sleep-deprived, the speaker was convincing…I kind of felt pressured to do it.” They talk themselves out of it, and turn their back on what they heard.

This is a simplified version of what happens to new Christians of any age (and is a good example of why your Christian walk should not be based on emotion and feelings…there will be low points, so building your faith using facts and reasoning is important too). Without a supportive network, many new Christians fizzle out, and isolated baby Christians are prime targets for the adversary to pick off. Preventing them from connecting with and being mentored by other Christians will go a long way toward getting them to fall away from their newfound faith.

Well there’s a lot to this, but people are going to stop reading if I keep going. To wrap up, Satan will use any means necessary to interfere with the process God uses to bring people to faith. God uses the three Ws: He takes a Wanderer, He Wakens them, and helps establish their Walk with Him. Looking to counter at least one of those steps, Satan uses the three Fs: he tries to Fulfill our innate desire for God by using other things, he Fights God’s process of wakening a lost soul, and if neither of those work, he’ll try to Flatten the new Christian’s belief.

Eternity is at stake, and the consequences are deadly serious. Today’s post addressed the non-Christian aspect of Satan’s war with humanity; come back next time for some of the ways he reduces the spiritual effectiveness of those who have embraced Christ as their savior. It might save your spiritual life, or help you be a part of saving someone else’s!

Part 1 | Part 3

Red Teaming Humanity (Part 1 of 4: Intro)

Part 2 | Part 3

In the United States military there’s a tremendous amount of information that can be lost if our side isn’t careful about protecting it. We want information on our weaknesses or vulnerabilities, be they physical, cyber, medical, whatever they are…to be kept from adversaries. There’s a practice in the Department of Defense that encourages designated individuals or teams to look at themselves through the eyes of an adversary, with the intent to identify where information is leaking. The goal, of course, is to find and plug those leaks. This practice, that of looking at your own unit’s operation through the eyes of your adversary, is called “Red Teaming.”

Over the next several entries I’m going to Red Team Humanity from the perspective of our enemy, Satan.

Before we get into that, let’s take a step back to set the stage. It’s not a truth that people like to hear, but upon their death, humans by default are not on the path to Heaven. God made a way for us to reach Heaven along with an eternity in His presence, but there are some obstacles we need to overcome in this life. Although many people might think of him as a silly little red cartoon character, Satan is very real, and his tactics are simple but effective. His bitterness toward Christ at having already beaten him is beyond description, and he seethes with jealousy. I’m sure there has been some lashing out in rage, but he’s also not a mindless fool. He’s cunning, sophisticated, and intelligent. He was created as the greatest of all angels. Knowing that he cannot actually harm God or stop His plan, Satan’s best chance of hurting God now is to do everything in his power to rob God of the thing He loves the most…a loving relationship with us, the crown of God’s creation.

God gave us an amazing gift, and this time I’m not talking about salvation. Imagine creating us, giving us a free path to rescue us from our default path of destruction, but still leaving the door open for us to have the freedom to choose to accept it or reject it. This is a God that loves us so much that He won’t force us to love Him back because that would force us to be someone we’re not; the only souls in Heaven will be the people that chose willingly and genuinely to embrace Him as their savior.

So now put yourself in Satan’s place. You hate God, but you can’t beat him. The worst you can do to Him is to make Him sad. You recognize that God doesn’t mandate that people love Him, so if they have free will, there’s an opening for you to exploit. You can do anything within your power to prevent people from embracing Christ or sharing Him with others. Some things are off limits for Satan (he asked permission to sift Peter and the disciples “like wheat” in Luke 22:31-32 and had to seek permission to bring certain circumstances against Job). He may not be allowed to bring physical harm to some, but our minds are always fair game and are always open to attack. If you can consistently attack someone’s mind in an effective manner, you’ve got a great chance of getting the result you’re looking for.

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

How, then, do you attack someone’s mind?

I’m not going to give you an exhaustive list (I’d have to be pretty arrogant to claim to know all the tricks Satan uses), but using variations of only a handful of concepts has worked well for millennia against us humans. Even if we each live to be 100 years old, that’s still pretty short compared to the amount of time Satan’s had to hone his skills of trickery and deception. Hopefully it will help give you a better understanding of why the different pieces of the Armor of God referenced in Ephesians 6:10-18 are so vital to a Christian, and at the same time help give new urgency to why it’s so important to reach non-Christians.

In all things remember that God will be with us and He won’t desert us, but it’s up to us to believe it and not give up, even when our persistent prayers are met with silence. We are the ones that are most likely to come up short when it comes to the lifelong struggle we each face. Hanging in there and knowing God takes the long term over the short term is the way we’ll get through it.

There’s more going on out there than what we can see, and my prayer is that this series helps you think more in those terms so that you can recognize when you’re being influenced and can make good choices in times of high stress. God works through people to implement His will, and Satan will use any means to water down your effectiveness at glorifying God. Protect your mind. Take comfort in knowing that your helmet of salvation provides a great deal of protection, but don’t allow yourself to let your guard down.

Stick with me over the next few weeks, because these are going to be important. If you’re not a subscriber, check back every Thursday for a new entry in this four-part series, or sign up to receive new posts in your email.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. –Ephesians 6:11

Part 2 | Part 3

I Used to Skinny Dip. Now I Chunky Dunk.

If you’ve read some of my previous posts and suspected that I’m crazy, you’ll be sure of it after this one. Stick with me though, it’s going somewhere.

For a few summers in high school and college, I worked at a Christian conference center. The summer staff, made up mostly of teenagers, lived on the campus and did a variety of jobs during the summer. “Summer staff” made for lots of fun memories. The days were long, but the weeks (and summers) were short.

I don’t know if this still happens today, but back then the girls had a tradition where, once a summer, they’d sneak out after curfew and hit the pool for some late-night skinny dipping. Every summer, the morning after the annual excursion happened, the guys would be disappointed because it had gone on right under our noses, while we were sleeping, and we hadn’t even been aware that it was happening. (We caught them in the act the previous summer, but I was on crutches, so I couldn’t play much of a role in it.) It was a huge morale boost for the ladies to get away with something so dangerous, and it would temporarily suck the morale right out of the guys’ side of the dorm.

Well, the following summer I was a counselor, so the curfew wasn’t an issue for me. It would have been fun to catch the girls in the act, but it would’ve been impossible to keep watch every night of the summer. Rather than have the guys stay up late trying to catch the girls (and making it tougher to stay healthy in the process), I decided I would instead try to deter the girls from sneaking out for their annual tradition. A few complete coincidences worked in my favor, and I probably went a little overboard further developing my “unhinged” persona. One time, by complete luck, while I was locking up the kitchen at night, I looked out the window and saw three of the summer staff girls running out of the dorm toward the kitchen, for what I can only guess was the need to raid the fridge. I couldn’t resist the opportunity. That night when I had entered the kitchen, I didn’t turn on any of the lights, so I was walking around in the dark. I hid and waited silently. Sure enough, the three came sneaking in without turning on the lights. As they drew near, I jumped out from wherever I was hiding and yelled “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN HERE!” They screamed in absolute terror and ran out with their hair standing straight up. Hopefully they got a snack somewhere else.

Now, you have to understand that back then, I had more enthusiasm and energy than direction. I got a little crazier and, in my exuberance, I dug up a camouflage military uniform that I would put on as it drew near the time for lights out. Sometimes the camo makeup went on, too. I’d let everyone see me in it, and the impression everyone got was that even as everyone was going to bed, I was heading outside into the dark to do Heaven-only-knows what. I wouldn’t do this every night, but I did it often enough to keep would-be curfew breakers guessing whether or not I was out there waiting for them. It was a page from Bruce Wayne’s book.

In full summer camo one night…

Another complete coincidence worked in my favor. Sometimes I really would head outside, all dressed in camo. My main purpose was merely to be seen heading out into the darkness, but since I didn’t want to be seen coming right back in again, I had to stay out for awhile. Most of the time I just found a comfy place to lay down in the grass, and in truth I enjoyed the quiet and stillness of the normally busy place while I was out there. Sometimes I fell asleep. One time, though, as I turned the corner of a building, I came across four of the staff girls, just sitting on the grass overlooking the pool, breaking curfew. At least one of them was someone that I had earlier caught sneaking into the kitchen. They weren’t doing anything wrong (other than being out after curfew), but to them it seemed like I just…knew when they were out there doing something they shouldn’t be doing.

This is the winter version; blowing my nose wiped off part of the makeup, but when I painted up it looked like this

The end result of all this was that I cultivated an impression that just wasn’t true, and it ended up influencing others’ behavior in a way that I wanted. There were countless nights where they could’ve made it to the pool without any problem at all, but it was the fear of some weirdo in camouflage hiding in the bushes that kept them from taking part in the adventure they wanted to be a part of. More often than not, I was actually asleep in my bed way before lights out, but without knowing that truth, late-night pool adventures got postponed.

Here’s where we “land the plane” on this entry. As Christians, we have an enemy that cultivates the same kind of image. If you’re a Jesus-follower, you have the unimaginable power of the Holy Spirit residing in you, but if your enemy can intimidate you into entertaining or giving in to your doubts, he’s effectively countered the power you have inside you. In military terms, he’s negated your will or capacity to fight, even though you’re equipped to dominate.

It’s all just clever tricks and deception. Remember the truth: as a Christian, you are more than a conqueror! Don’t be held captive by lies! Not only do you have defensive armor available to you, but you have the greatest offensive weapon there is…the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:10-18). Properly prepared, you can walk boldly and confidently into a spiritual battle and emerge victorious. Think of it this way: if you don’t have the will to fight, the enemy can use the resources he would have used on you…somewhere else. Make no mistake: he’s going to use them, if not on you, then on someone else. If you and the Holy Spirit combat those forces, you are fighting back against the darkness and tying up enemy forces, enabling relief elsewhere. (See Daniel 10:1-14 for an example where this happened to an angel.)

The Prince of Darkness excels in lying and deception. Do you believe the lies he wants you to believe, or are you willing to trust God’s truth? Don’t believe the lies. Get up and get in the fight.

In a couple of weeks I hope to start a series on some more of the tactics Satan uses against you. Subscribe today to be sure you don’t miss it!

How Fast Can You Forget?

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been amazed at how quickly the Old Testament Israelites forgot about the role of God in their history. Even the actual people that He led out of slavery in Egypt started complaining about how much better it would have been if they’d stayed slaves, where at least they had variety in their diet rather than the manna that God provided for their daily needs.

A few generations later, the Israelites were back at their whining. “We want a king! We want to be like the other nations around us!” So God gave them kings. Not every king was good, though, and some of them flat out led Israel away from God. Eventually a good king would come along and try to undo the damage that was done, but it would never quite get back to where it had been before. Asherah poles and high places seemed constantly to be put up and torn down.

God got fed up with it. He gave them plenty of warning, but the Israelites ignored it. Then foreign nations overran the country, plundered the nation, and carried them away as captives to a different land. Even then, decades later, some were able to return and begin to rebuild, but the cycle of abandoning God, then crying out to Him for help continued.

I’d read this when I was younger and think “Seriously? How could they forget everything that God did for them?” The only thing I can think of is that the stories of God’s goodness and provision weren’t being passed down from one generation to the next. As a result, the account of just how good God is…got lost.

So it bothers me quite a bit as I’m watching this happen in our own nation. The United States of America does not have a blemish-free past, but I challenge anyone to find a country that does. When I see mobs of angry people forcibly tearing down or defacing statues or monuments, it makes me wonder if the rioters even know enough history to appreciate the whole context of what those monuments represent. People that try to set the record straight, rather than allow misguided notions of historical tidbits rule the day, are said to use “divisive language.” Hmmmm. Well, facts can be that way, I guess.

Removing monuments will not change our past, but it will help remove our memory of it. When we don’t remember the past, we end up making the same mistakes that people who came before us have already made. “No, no, they removed that monument because they were offended by it!” Um, excuse me, I’m offended by their lawlessness and arrogance to think they’re entitled to make the decision to destroy/deface public property on their own, but why is their offense considered more warranted than mine? Are we not equal? Do I also need to participate in criminal activity in order to be heard?

History is important. When you ignore it, bad things will happen (again). Think about those Israelites. “Haven’t they learned anything?” We’re at the same point now! We’ve become them!

If you’re in an authority role (or even if you’re not), I implore you to please use your influence to encourage people to live according to the law. I understand that there are things you don’t like (there are things that I don’t like, either), and we can work on those things, but we have other methods of addressing citizens’ concerns. If people feel that it’s acceptable to break any old law because they dislike it, and we apply that standard to everyone, well that’s going to get pretty ugly, now isn’t it?

Your country has history, and it’s important to remember it. Sure, I’m on board with revamping some things, but history is not included in that column. We can alter or redesign some statues, but there should be a plan in place to come up with another means of commemorating what happened at that particular monument. You know why? Because history is ugly. Life is messy. In the heat of the moment, not everyone makes the right choice. That’s something that will happen in every country, just about every day, from now until there are no people left to make mistakes. Here’s the thing about mistakes though: you’re supposed to learn from them.

So let’s not be the Israelites. We’ve all made mistakes, and there are things we all could have done better. Let’s not make the error of thinking that we can flush a few unpleasant things and it will change what happened in the past. If we do that, we’ll find ourselves making the same old mistakes again for the first time.

Sad Update

Hi everyone, just a sad, quick update. A few weeks ago I mentioned Molly, a little 7-year-old warrior fighting for her life in the hospital. I’m very sad to report that this morning she passed from this life into the next.

God was gracious, and even though it’s been very difficult, I consider myself blessed to have been able to follow her story. In their updates, the family mentioned that every time they put out an urgent call for prayer, there was an improvement in Molly’s condition a short time later. An army of prayer warriors did what they could, but in the end, God wanted Molly in Heaven more than he wanted her here.

Please pray for the Ingram family, who, I have to imagine, is shattered, exhausted, confused, and has been focused on nothing else for the past month or so and now has to deal with the insulting reality that the world continues to turn even though their lives have been turned upside-down. Molly leaves behind a Mom, Dad, and little sister Sunny.

Molly, for those of us who trust in Christ as Savior, we’ll see you on the other side; it just hurts that we have to wait until then. Thanks for touching so many lives.

Lord Jesus, we don’t understand, but we know you’re good. May your name be praised, and may you bring good out of this somehow.

For additional info, please see Molly’s Belly Blog on Facebook. (You’ll have to request access, but it shouldn’t be an issue.) Also feel free to check out the Team Ingram Blood Donation Group in honor of Molly.

The most recent Belly Blog entry breaking the tough news from her dad, Cam:

5-Jul, 5:55AM (Hour 0)

Molly Alice Ingram was met at the heavenly gates by Jesus, who took her in his arms and said “well done, my good and faithful child.”

How Important is Focus?

Starting training in the military is generally a miserable experience. In the Air Force, it’s called Basic Military Training (BMT). If you’re an instructor at BMT, you have to take Americans from all cultural backgrounds and give them a common understanding, giving them the foundation to be a professional warrior, sometimes for people as young as 17.

Before you can build recruits into what you want them to become, you have to tear down what they currently are…individuals with their own sense of self, their own moral compasses, and their own priorities.

On the first day you arrive for BMT, you’re arriving in buses that came from airports, railroad stations, or other bus stations. Everybody’s dressed in their own street clothes. Some men have long hair, some are completely bald, some have mohawks. For the instructors to begin their work of tearing down recruits’ sense of individuality, they largely take the approach of scaring the bejeezus out of everyone.

Almost no instructor speaks in a normal voice. It’s all yelling. If they whisper or speak quietly to you, it’s really bad. You’re taught to stand there, motionless, with a thousand-yard stare. For how long? It doesn’t matter, keep standing there until they tell you to move. That was one of the first lessons they taught us on the first day…there are times when you are not to be distracted, even when you’ve got nothing to do.

The sheer logistics of confirming the identities of hundreds of men and women and verifying that they arrived safely takes a well-oiled machine. They eventually had to start moving us from the parking lot to a spot indoors, so they arranged groups of us in line and we’d wait our turn to shuffle inside.

As the line crept forward and I neared the entrance to the building, there was a large window to the foyer, through which a waiting room was visible. Inside it stood a man dressed in street clothes. I didn’t look at him directly, but he started gently knocking on the window, and from the corner of my eye it looked like he was trying to get the attention of either me or the guy in front of me.

Man, I didn’t want any trouble. Our friendly instructors had just finished telling us not to be distracted. Maybe this guy wanted to tell me my shoelace was untied or my fly was open or something. He kept knocking, but I kept staring at the back of the head of the guy in front of me. That knocking was persistent. Focus, focus, focus! Knock, knock, knock. Just as I was about to look over at him, the guy in front of me turned his head just a little too much to look at the guy, who then got a big smile and then pointed straight at the guy in front of me. Immediately what seemed like a horde of angry instructors descended upon this guy, yelling with red faces and bulging neck veins, reminding the offender that they had just talked about the importance of not losing focus!

I knew it was probably a trap, and I was still about to give in!

I’ll lay it out there in plain terms. As Christians, we’re here for two very simple reasons: 1. know God, and 2. make Him known. While there are countless ways of sharing the news of God’s love with the world, anything that’s taking you off point is a distraction. A word of caution: sometimes you may recognize that a distraction is a trap, but I’d guess more often than not, you’re not going to see it for what it is. Be on guard.

Think Trump will be re-elected? Who’s right, Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, or All Lives Matter? Will COVID-19 and climate change wipe out half the earth’s population by 2030?

See what I mean? It’s easy to allow yourself to be pulled off course. You may have already completely lost sight of what I’ve been writing about. Don’t take your eye off the prize. There will always be distractions, and they’ll come in many shapes and sizes, but they can all be characterized as things that take you off your mission: 1. know God, and 2. make Him known.

And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” – Luke 2:49

Happy Birthday America! You’re not perfect, but neither am I and there’s nowhere I’d rather live!

I Can’t Shake Him!

As a teenager there were a few summers where I worked on the summer staff of a Christian conference center. We’d work during the day, and then in the evening we usually had some kind of staff activity to hang out together.

One night after work, for our staff activity we headed off to one of the more remote sections of the campus. We were going to have some kind of get-messy fight. I forget exactly what it was, but the basic idea was to get everyone else messier than you, and I think the weapon of the day was either shaving cream or whipped cream.

I wasn’t too enthusiastic about it, so once we started, rather than get right in the thick of it I sort of hung out on the edge and let everyone else get messy. The cream went flying, there were shrieks, shouts, and general mayhem ruled the day. I tried moving around enough so that I didn’t really look like I was avoiding the mess, but eventually someone noticed I was still as clean as when we started.

There was a guy on staff named Dave. Dave was super fast. Someone noticed I wasn’t messy and yelled “Dave! Get Tim!”

Dave stopped and looked at me. Our eyes met, and that’s all it took. Man, I was gone. I took off sprinting away from him as fast as I possibly could. I didn’t hold anything back because I knew he was the only person that could catch me. All the lap-swimming and other training I did for lifeguarding helped me stay in shape and run pretty fast, but I wasn’t going to be fast enough to outrun Dave. My only hope was that he’d give up the chase before he caught me.

I sprinted for over a hundred yards, but he was still back there, with two hands’ worth of shaving cream, and he was closer than when we’d started. By the time we’d gone another 50 yards, it was clear that I wasn’t going to get away from him. He was relentless. It seemed like the closer he got, the more energized he became, invigorated at the prospect of running me down.

As he got within a few feet, I was done. I could’ve kept running, but I couldn’t sprint anymore. My half-hearted attempt at zigzagging only helped him close the distance faster. He caught up to me and I got a face full of shaving cream.

Spiritually, I don’t know where you stand. For all I know, you’re not really into that “god” thing, but you somehow came across this post. You’re open to the idea of some higher power being out there, but you don’t have a concrete idea of what that entails.

Let me tell you about this God. He’s not one that sits on a throne laughing maniacally while shooting lightning bolts at anyone who displeases him. This version is unlike any that you’ve heard of before. He’s watching you, yes, but He’s not “out to get” you. This is someone that loves you without remorse, and will pursue you with abandon. He will chase you relentlessly, even if you choose to ignore Him. He will love you until your dying breath, but cares too deeply about who you really are to force you to love Him back. His name is Jesus Christ.

If you’re even still reading, you can scoff at what I say, but my goal is to help plant a seed in your mind that will grow into something more. Watch as later today, maybe tomorrow, or maybe sometime much later down the road, something happens in your life that makes you think back to this story. You’ll remember that you heard about God loving you recklessly. Though you run, He will pursue you without mercy just for the mere possibility that you even think about being curious about Him, caring too much to give up the chase and not be there in the event you stop running and turn around.

The decision you have to make is how long you’ll keep on running. No matter how long or how far you run…He’s faster and can do it longer. Try having an open mind; why don’t you see what happens when you get caught?

Pray With Fury

Have you ever been so mentally or physically worn out that you can’t even take care of yourself?

Emotionally wrung out, physically depleted, and/or mentally exhausted people have a difficult time performing all but the most basic of functions. If they’re providing care for someone else while in this state, they’re certainly not taking proper care of themselves.

In these situations it can be extraordinarily difficult to have any prayer life to speak of, save for a singular focus. I’ve heard the term “intercessory prayer” for a long time, but only recently heard it described as praying on someone else’s behalf because they are either unable or unwilling to do it themselves.

To look at it another way, you might be the only person with the ability to address a certain issue through prayer.

There’s a special family in Northern Virginia whose little girl, Molly, developed a condition in the womb that resulted in her being born with some of her internal organs on the outside of her body. Now 7 years old, last week Molly went into surgery after months of preparatory procedures aimed at moving those organs inside her body. Initially things looked good, but as time went on, Molly’s heart and lungs had a very difficult time adapting to the increased pressure of having not only the organs moved inside her abdominal cavity, but the added pressure of swelling due to surgery. It’s been a very fluid situation since the process first began over a week ago, and at times it seemed doubtful that this sweet little girl would make it through the night. Molly, her parents, and her medical team at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have been forced to contend with countless complications that cast a heavy fog over the path that would bring her back from the brink.

Imagine sending your little girl back for surgery, and you and your spouse await word from the surgeons to find out how it went. During the surgery, a nurse comes hurrying out of the operating room, only to return a short time later with a cooler containing blood for transfusing, and your daughter’s name is printed on it. Then later they bring in still more blood for her. In the first 18 hours after her initial surgery started, Molly required 40 units of blood. In the days that followed, her medical team had to advocate on her behalf in order to convince the hospital to allow Molly access to its critical reserve of blood products.

Molly in her room (Photo courtesy of “Molly’s Belly Blog”)

In all of this, Molly’s parents are staying with a host family during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Their little girl has undergone half a dozen surgeries since the first one, some of which focused on unexpected areas of her body that were fine before she went under. Molly simply wouldn’t stop bleeding, her blood pressure wouldn’t come up enough, and the clotting and blood pressure medication the team administered robbed her extremities of oxygen.

Her parents, while obviously prayerful for their daughter’s life, are exhausted, separated from their other daughter, and dealing with a situation that changes often. In the week following the initial surgery there’s been much more bad news than good, and if you’re prone to worry, there’s been much to worry about. Molly and her parents are simply unable to pray for everything that needs to be brought to God and still function on a day-to-day basis.

That’s where we come in. As it became evident that the surgery had not worked as planned and that Molly’s life was in a precarious state, people began praying by the hundreds. These people, from around the globe, have covered this family in prayer 24 hours a day.

About a week into the ordeal, Molly turned a corner and began to improve. It’s still not clear what the outcome will be, but at this point there are literally thousands of people praying on behalf of Molly and her family, lifting them up in constant prayer. This little girl, whose life at times seemed to be hanging by a thread, has to date received a whopping 150 units of blood.

Acutely aware of just how precious a resource available blood is, the family found a way to tap in to the desire of everyone that wanted to help the family. After forming “Team Ingram” on a Red Cross app, the family requested that volunteers donate blood in Molly’s name. In just 24 hours, Team Ingram jumped into the top 1% of blood-donation groups, replenishing many times over the amount of blood used in Molly’s treatment so far, and potentially saving many other lives in the process.

Although I’m sure there were numerous “passing prayers” or quick prayers uttered in half a breath for Molly, there have collectively been many hours of deliberate prayer on behalf of her and her family. Some of this was intentional, focused prayer pleading with the Lord for Molly’s life. She’s still here, but still needs persistent prayer. God still listens to the prayers of His people. I don’t know how all this will end, but the targeted prayers focused on specific topics seem to have moved Molly in the right direction. All glory and honor belong to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Graphic courtesy of “Molly’s Belly Blog”

If you’d like to follow along with Molly’s saga and add your prayer (or blood donation) support to her and her family, please request to join the “Molly’s Belly Blog” or watch this YouTube video of her story…and please keep her full recovery in your prayers, because God listens to His people’s requests.

Please pass this post along to anyone you think will make an appeal to God on behalf of Molly and her family.

Someone Call Security

Consider this paragraph a brief public service announcement: The major news outlets seem to have perfected the art of presenting lots of material that evokes powerful emotions without giving many facts. That being the case, I’d encourage you to limit the amount of time you spend watching the news (if it’s important enough, you’ll find out about it). I’m not encouraging ignorance, I’m simply noting that when there are few facts to present, you don’t need all the conjecture that gets you amped up in the process. If anxiety is a problem for you, I can just about guarantee this will help you out. Anyway, I thought I’d take this opportunity to share something a little more lighthearted.

My wife is one of four sisters, all of whom are married. At one point three of those sisters were married to men in the Air Force. As you might imagine, Uncle Sam has a way of scattering military folks around the country (and sometimes the globe). As a result, it’s not easy to arrange family get-togethers where everyone is present, and sometimes we can go for years without seeing certain family members in person.

When we found out one of my far-flung brothers-in-law was going to be flying through our area on his way to a deployment overseas, we decided to go meet him on his last layover before leaving the states. The logistics weren’t going to work out to bring him back to our place, so we collectively decided we’d go hang out at a mall near the airport and go out to eat while we were together. Some malls are great for sitting around and relaxing while others aren’t. We weren’t familiar with this mall, so after we picked him up from the airport we just sort of showed up at the mall and started walking around.

At the time we had two young kiddos who were generally well-behaved, but they would only stay happy for so long unless we found something to keep them occupied. We figured there had to be a play place around somewhere nearby, but for some reason the mall directory in this particular mall was very difficult to find. We found a spot with games and flashing lights that would keep the kids occupied for a little while, then my brother-in-law and I parted ways with my wife and kids and set out looking either for a playground or a mall directory.

We turned past a few corners and walked down a few hallways, but still couldn’t find anything helpful. Mindful that the clock was ticking and that walking around a mall like this was probably not going to make the start of a deployment any less stressful, I decided to go against the male instinct and ask for directions.

I spotted a mall cop standing on one of those motorized Segues. I didn’t think about it until after the words came out of my mouth, but I probably got us onto mall security’s radar screen. If you were a mall cop, what would you think if two thirty-something dudes with military haircuts and generally humorless demeanors walk up to you and say “hey man, where do the kids hang out in this mall?”

I haven’t been back to that mall since then, but if I did, I wouldn’t be surprised if I were tailed by my own personal mall cop soon after being identified.

Strange story, I know. Just meant to give you a chuckle. Anyway, it’s rough out there these days, but don’t let that steal your joy in Christ. Your joy in Christ is one of the things that will attract nonbelievers to the light you have inside you, especially during difficult times. Don’t let stuff get you down, because in times like this, your joy shines bright, and people need that right now.

Take care of yourselves and take care of each other.