A Bold, Bright Future Lies Ahead

Selfies start younger and younger these days

It can be tough to look at generations younger than you and think with confidence “this is who will one day lead the charge for spreading the gospel.” You know what, though? The same thing was probably thought about your generation at some point.

It’s exciting to see God work. From the Bible, we know that the world will get darker and increasingly hostile to Christianity. We also know the Gospel will continue to be spread, and that God wins in the end. Well if today’s not the end, God must intend to empower tomorrow’s Christians to continue doing His work effectively. He knew about radio and TV evangelism programs before the technology was even invented. He saw social media coming before anyone ever thought of it. The communication essentials of the future are already old news to Him, and He’ll pre-position followers to use them for His glory.

Another exciting thing to think about is that you, today, can play a part in future generations shining the light of Christ. The efforts you exert today may take a long time to bear fruit, but many a loud Christian voice once spent time listening to their Sunday school teacher, a Vacation Bible School volunteer, or a mentor that simply took an interest at a crucial time in their lives. I doubt the majority of churches would turn away new volunteers from their kids’ ministry, youth programs, or young adult projects.

This may be an odd way to think about it, but I’m part of an endangered species: I remember what life was like before the internet intruded into it. What’s neat to think about is how, even in spite of how much the world has changed, God still weaves experiences and encounters together in peoples’ lives with the knowledge that it’s heading somewhere bigger in the future. We didn’t formerly have a need for people to make Christian sound bites or short videos, but now we have YouTube and Vimeo. It used to be that a Christian “influencer” meant something totally different, but now they live on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. These are all things that people like me could learn, but we’ll never be digital natives like the generations younger than us.

The beautiful thing about that is it opens up limitless opportunities for people that are Christ followers, yet don’t feel at home in a traditional church setting. This creates a new space for innovation, where new ways emerge to spread the same essential message.

This one goes out to all those that never quite fit in or felt comfortable in church, but who still want to pursue Christ. People are hungry for what’s real, but they don’t know where to go to find it. If people don’t want to walk into a church, is there a way for you to bring the church to them? Above all, the most important thing is that Christ is preached. If you can come up with a new way to get that message to the people that haven’t heard it, you may have found the exact thing God created you to do. If you choose to do it, you may well be a blessing to others and at the same time be blessed in return.